A pewter open bangle with embossed knotwork and twin serpent heads design.
According to classical writers, the Celts wore torcs into battle.
Both neck and arm torcs have been discovered in Britain and Europe
and it is thought that they marked a person of high status, such as a warrior or chieftain.
In Celtic lore, the serpent is the image of light, life and divine wisdom.
Coming from deep within the earth, it was believed to hold secrets and be the
guardian of hidden riches, metals, medical cures and esoteric knowledge.
Width (excluding heads): 6mm Internal width: 62mm (torcs are adjustable)
Supplied in a satin and velvet-lined gift box.
PLEASE NOTE: repeated bending of this product may cause it to weaken or break. Below the maker tells us a little about the product and process.
Pewter is a malleable metal made of tin, copper and antimony. It melts at around 260 degrees Celsius and can be cast into vulcanised rubber moulds which only deteriorate slowly over many casts.
We cast our jewellery and gifts using this method and then painstakingly go through a fettling process to remove any surplus material and casting lines.
Each piece is polished and any findings or gemstones are fitted before packing. The whole operation is very labour intensive requiring skills that take many years to perfect. Due to the process it is highly unlikely that two pieces will be exactly the same even though to the untrained eye they may appear so.
Our staff take great pride in their work and are open to suggestions that may improve quality even further.
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